Wednesday 26 September 2012

Beowulf PART II - Projects

In groups of 2-3, you will create a power point presentation (with voice recordings) that retells the story of PART II - Grendel's mother.  Do not leave anything out this means:

1) Include all the things that happen with Grendel's mother
2) Include the stories of the digressions
3) Hrothogar's sermon

Further you need to include the following:

1) The sword and the story on the hilt
2) A brief discussion w/ examples of Kennings found in this section (think definition, 3-5 really good examples and explanation of why they are used and what they mean)
3) List of characters (with photos or pictures).  Music.  Pictures of setting.
4) Discuss of the parallelism of Heorot w/ Grendel's home.  How is this a symbol.
5) Discuss 3 themes and give examples of where they appear and how they are reinforced.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Thursday and Friday

9/20 and 9/21

You should be working on your Graphic Organizers for BEOWULF section 1.

If you get done, finish reading section 3 of Beowulf.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Tuesday 9/18

We will continue to read Beowulf PART III.

HW: Graphic Organizer

Monday 17 September 2012

Graphic Organizers

Okay - so we are going to work on retention of material.  After the poor scores on the quiz, I'm going to have you reread section one of Beowulf (lines 1-1250) and outline it stanza by stanza.

For each stanza you will have the following: 1) List the line numbers; 2) Give a summary of the stanza; 3) List all characters who appear and briefly mention who they are/what the do; 4) List of literary devices - Kenning, Litotes, Flytes, Apositives; 4) Explanation of purpose - What theme or themes does this stanza reinforce and how?

This first will be due next Monday.  You will have all class day Wednesday/Thursday and Friday to work on it.  Note - your vocabulary quiz will be moved to next Tuesday.

We'll go over this in class.

Friday 14 September 2012



Answer the following questions on your own paper
1. Describe the following characters:

*Shield Sheafson

2. Describe Heorot
3. What is important about the descriptions of Shield Sheafson? What was his childhood like? What was has burial like?
4. Discuss the manner in which Beowulf addresses the sentinel guarding the coast? What is odd about it?
5. Give two reasons Beowulf comes to Denmark.
6. Why does Grendal attack Heorot?
7. How is Heorot symbolized before Grendal’s coming?
8. How long has Heorot remained empty?
9. What is the significance of Grendal being descended from Cain?
10. Give four examples of Kennings in the story.
11. Give four examples of Alliteration in the story.
12. Discuss wergild and how it has worked so far in the story.
13. Discuss how the following themes have appeared in the story: Loyalty, Reputation, good vs. evil, Christianity vs. Paganism, role of women, role of Kings, role of the Warrior, Man Alone in a Hostile World, The Fear of the Unknown, Beowulf as a anti-war poem. 
14. How does Beowulf become king?
15. Who are the Geats sworn enemies?
16. What are some of Beowulf’s heroic exploits after Grendel and before the dragon?
17. How does Pride get the best of Beowulf?
18. Which of Hygelac’s sons was killed by his brother? What theme does this reinforced?
19. How does the role of the warrior vs. the role of the king work in these pages?
20. What purpose does the comparison between Beowulf and Siegmund serve? The comparison between Beowulf and Hermod?
21. Why is the story of Finn included just before Welthow appears?
22. Describe the lake.
23. What does Hrothgar warn Beowulf about in his speech?
24. Why are their ancestors so important to the warriors in Beowulf?
25. Identify and discuss the Christian influences on the poem.
26. Identify and discuss the Viking/Scandinavian elements in the poem.
27. Discuss the code of loyalty in Beowulf. How is the society structured? What is important to the warriors in Beowulf? What qualities did they feel a good king should possess? What do they consider “courageous”?
28. Discuss the battle between good and evil in the poem. Who represents good? Who represents evil?
29. Discuss the role of women in this patriarchal world. Cite examples from the text.
30. Is Beowulf a hero? Why/why not?
31. Discuss the role of reputation in Beowulf. Cite examples from the text.
32. Compare and contrast the battles with Grendel and the dragon. Consider the cause of each monster’s attack, Beowulf ’s motivation for countering the attack, Beowulf ’s battle preparations, and the conclusions of each battle.
33. Discuss the behavior of Beowulf ’s men in each of these battles.
34. What attitudes and actions lead to Beowulf ’s downfall? Defend your answer with examples.

Friday 9/14

Today, we will review your quizzes.

Then begin section 3 of Beowulf: THE DRAGON!

Thursday 13 September 2012


Quiz today!

We will also be looking at the connections between Beowulf and the old icelandic story, The Saga of Grettir the Strong.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Things to Know for Beowulf Quiz

Characters (who they are what they do):

Know the meaning of both Beowulf and Grendel's names.

Symbols: Heorot, Grendel's arm, Shield

Themes: Explain how the following themes work and give examples of scenes that reinforce them.

Exile, Wergild, The Role of Women, The Role of Warriors, The Role of Kings, Wyrd, Good vs. Evil, Man Alone in a Hostile World, Beowulf as an Anti-War poem.

Give an explanation of the following digestions (why they are included in the text, what they reinforce): Sigemund, Finn

Give 1-2 examples of the following: Flyte, Kenning, Litotes.

Discuss the allusions to Cain and Genesis.
Discuss the importance of the Skald (or poet).

Be able to give a general summary of PART I - Grendel.

OR THINK ABOUT THESE QUESTIONS (straight from your study guide list):

2. Describe Heorot
3. What is important about the descriptions of Shield Sheafson? What was his childhood like? What was has burial like?
4. Discuss the manner in which Beowulf addresses the sentinel guarding the coast? What is odd about it?
5. Give two reasons Beowulf comes to Denmark.
6. Why does Grendal attack Heorot?
7. How is Heorot symbolized before Grendal’s coming?
8. How long has Heorot remained empty?
9. What is the significance of Grendal being descended from Cain?
10. Give four examples of Kennings in the story.
11. Give four examples of Alliteration in the story.
12. Discuss wergild and how it has worked so far in the story.
13. Discuss how the following themes have appeared in the story: Loyalty, Reputation, good vs. evil, Christianity vs. Paganism, role of women, role of Kings, role of the Warrior, Beowulf as a anti-war poem. Give examples of scenes that back up each

Tuesday 11 September 2012

New Vocabulary Words (List #2)


Monday 10 September 2012


For tonight, discuss in a 300-word essay the importance of the "Finn Episode" or the "Sigemund Episode".  Make sure you connect with major themes.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Tuesday 9/4

I believe we have MAP testing today.  You should make sure you post your blog summary on the first 31 pages of Beowulf.

HW: Read pages 31-50.  Again, this is really only 10 pages.

Tomorrow we will discuss the 1st 50 pages of Beowulf, and the comic book you were suppose to read.  We look at Grendel as both a monster and a symbol and connect him to Beowulf themes.   What is the meaning of Grendel's name?


Answer the following questions on your own paper
1. Describe the following characters:

*Shield Sheafson

2. Describe Heorot
3. What is important about the descriptions of Shield Sheafson? What was his childhood like? What was has burial like?
4. Discuss the manner in which Beowulf addresses the sentinel guarding the coast? What is odd about it?
5. Give two reasons Beowulf comes to Denmark.
6. Why does Grendal attack Heorot?
7. How is Heorot symbolized before Grendal’s coming?
8. How long has Heorot remained empty?
9. What is the significance of Grendal being descended from Cain?
10. Give four examples of Kennings in the story.
11. Give four examples of Alliteration in the story.
12. Discuss wergild and how it has worked so far in the story.
13. Discuss how the following themes have appeared in the story: Loyalty, Reputation, good vs. evil, Christianity vs. Paganism, role of women, role of Kings, role of the Warrior, Man Alone in a Hostile World, The Fear of the Unknown, Beowulf as a anti-war poem. Give examples of scenes that back up each

14. How does Beowulf become king?
15. Who are the Geats sworn enemies?
16. What are some of Beowulf’s heroic exploits after Grendel and before the dragon?
17. How does Pride get the best of Beowulf?
18. Which of Hygelac’s sons was killed by his brother? What theme does this reinforced?
19. How does the role of the warrior vs. the role of the king work in these pages?
20. What purpose does the comparison between Beowulf and Siegmund serve? The comparison between Beowulf and Hermod?
21. Why is the story of Finn included just before Welthow appears?
22. Describe the lake.
23. What does Hrothgar warn Beowulf about in his speech?
24. Why are their ancestors so important to the warriors in Beowulf?
25. Identify and discuss the Christian influences on the poem.
26. Identify and discuss the Viking/Scandinavian elements in the poem.
27. Discuss the code of loyalty in Beowulf. How is the society structured? What is important to the warriors in Beowulf? What
qualities did they feel a good king should possess? What do they consider “courageous”?
28. Discuss the battle between good and evil in the poem. Who represents good? Who represents evil?
29. Discuss the role of women in this patriarchal world. Cite examples from the text.
30. Is Beowulf a hero? Why/why not?
31. Discuss the role of reputation in Beowulf. Cite examples from the text.
32. Compare and contrast the battles with Grendel and the dragon. Consider the cause of each monster’s attack, Beowulf ’s
motivation for countering the attack, Beowulf ’s battle preparations, and the conclusions of each battle.
33. Discuss the behavior of Beowulf ’s men in each of these battles.
34. What attitudes and actions lead to Beowulf ’s downfall? Defend your answer with examples.