Tuesday 27 November 2012

Canterbury Tales


1) Pick your character
2) Review what your character is wearing and how he looks in the prologue (remember you have to dress up)
3) Read your character's story (take notes)
4) Begin to rewrite the story in your own words

Thursday 15 November 2012

Parallel Structure

We worked on parallel structure today: words, phrases and clauses.  We also looked at types of parallel structure: anaphora, antithesis, antimetabole, zeugma.

Your assignment:

Exercise 1:  1-5
Exercise 5: 1-3

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Le Morte d'Arthur

You need to write a short three paragraph essay comparing Le Morte d'Arthur with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.  The essay must have a thesis statement and use evidence from the text.  You can compare the characters of Gawain in each book; you can compare the characters of Arthur; you can compare the themes of loyalty and/or honesty, the theme of Christianity or the idea of chivalry.


5 points for set-up (opening paragraph with valid thesis statement)
5 points for connection/comparison between two stories
10 points for valid proof from both texts
5 points for conclusion

Due Date: Thursday 11/15

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Fit 4

1) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight can be viewed as a journey from life to death and back to life. Discuss how this works.
2) Sir Gawain is reborn both physically and spiritually at the end of the book how?
3) Whose Point of View are we suppose to exact at the end of the book? Why?
4) Is Gawain ruined as a knight or will we see great deeds from him again?
5) In your opinion who is really in control?

Tuesday 6 November 2012



1) Compare each of the hunting scenes with the bedroom scenes in the castle. Explain how the hunting scenes symbolize what is going on in the bedroom and explore how the differ animals hunted relate to the different tactics used by the lady each day.

2) What is your impression of Gawain during this section? How do you think he behaves? Does he uphold his honor while not dishonoring the lady and the lord?

3) What is the climax of the book?

4) What does the girdle symbolize?

5) There are a few allusions to Christ, Mary and faith (or failure of faith) can you pick a couple out and discuss why they are there?

6) How does Gawain fail in this section?